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Ofsted Inspection Report

Our school’s last inspection was on the 13th and 14th March 2023.

Read below for just some of the reasons Ofsted say we remain a good school

  • This is a friendly school where pupils flourish, feel safe and achieve well.
  • Pupils know and live up to the high expectations and aspirations that leaders and staff have of them. They are polite and well-mannered. They behave well in lessons and during playtimes.
  • Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Leaders identify their needs quickly and provide appropriate support for them.
  • Pupils, including children in the early years, have positive attitudes to learning. Pupils listen carefully to their teachers and show respect for their peers. These behaviours ensure that pupils work diligently and that their learning is rarely disrupted.
  • Pupils enjoy the wide range of clubs on offer in order to pursue their talents and interests, including sports and crafts. These help them to learn new skills.
  • Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils read widely and choose books from their well-stocked class libraries. They talk enthusiastically about their favourite authors and genres.
  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They explain new learning clearly to pupils and provide opportunities for pupils to revisit previous learning. This helps pupils to learn and remember important knowledge and vocabulary.
  • Leaders have planned an interesting curriculum that is suitably broad and ambitious.
  • Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils to achieve well. They set out clear expectations for what they want pupils to learn in subjects each year, beginning in the early years.
  • Leaders, including governors, have a clear vision for school improvement.
  • Leaders ensure that keeping pupils safe is a priority for all staff. Regular training ensures that all staff and governors have a clear and robust understanding of their safeguarding duty.

Click here for the latest inspection report/letter.

For previous Ofsted School Inspection Reports just click here and choose the report you wish to view.